First Post



17th November, 2020

I guess no one likes being truly alone.

Maybe the idea of being alone- having no restraints, free willed, and light. But the more I think of it, I realize that not most people would want to be alone in an infinitely stretching universe, where it is devoid of any sort of life- or any that we know of.

Stars are born, planets are created, and novas are created. But the stars die at one point, the planets fade, and the novas explode. Are we temporary? The most likely answer is, yes, we are here for a short period of time. And in that brief period, which we call it with distaste or happiness is our life. The question: Are we alone? It has been boggling the minds of everyone, from scientists and civilians.

But we don’t know.

At least for now.                                               

This leads me to believe that perhaps this is why we humans create something called Gods. Maybe they’re real or maybe they’re not. Maybe we were created for a purpose or we were just another cosmic accident like all those planets and stars out there in the vast universe. And this might be because we want someone or something above us, to make us feel somewhat comforted by the fact that even when we might be alone, that there might be just someone who was with you. Perhaps, the human brain- a great phenomenon that couldn’t be solved till now, isn’t able to begin to comprehend the vastness or the emptiness out there.

Though some people may want to be alone, may want to be on the top of the world and have no one to depend upon, those independent humans out there are still humans at the end of the day. They have the same feelings as we do, see the world like us but in a different view.

And this is my other revelation for now:

We are strangely alike as we are different.

It really is confusing and strange. Many of us are contradictions but this seems to be one upon itself. How can we look the same yet have different traits? How is it possible that every one of us feels the exact same emotions but in different ways?

We have that root of a particular thing (Take emotions for an example). Sadness, anger, happiness and a whole other array of emotions we feel every single day. Each person, somehow, feels the root of the emotion but also the branches and threads of complexities of it, and amazingly, also the way they react to it is similar yet unique.

The way they react and feel greatly depends on what they have been through or going through, their different behavioural patterns, and also what their outlook on everything including life in general is. It shapes them, moulds them into what they are today and what they feel.

Saying that, I’m going to share another matter I have rather thought about for quite a long time. I came across it in a post somewhere which prompted me into thinking. I have pondered upon it but of course, I got no definite answers but only more questions.

Imagine if you had everything we wanted. How you look like changed into what your image of beauty is in your head. Whatever you wanted, whatever you think will bring you satisfaction and happiness, and you had it. Money, the ‘perfect’ body, fame and recognition, the prefect family, the list could go on forever and ever.

Nothing is negative exists your life .Everything is ideal and nothing could possibly upset you ever. Anything which you hate has disappeared. There is simply not one thing which you could dislike.

When you have everything you could possibly want, would you be content or would you find new things you hate?

Read that again.

Take as much time you need to let those words sink in.

Now try to reply honestly. If not to anyone but yourself.

I have to admit, I am quite conflicted by this question. I cannot seem to answer it with one single answer.

Obviously, the first thought which popped up was:

‘Of course I would. What else could I possibly want now?’

But the more I think of it, I start thinking of what-ifs and the downsides.

Would I be truly content? Will I start hating on how I never have enough? Now that is something else you can think about.

Now, I told that everything negative could be gone. That means no murders, no rapes, no kidnappings, no poverty, no sadness and no hatred of any sort. As long the list of good things goes, there are equal amounts of bad things.

But the list of bad things has vanished now, right?

So, would we now drown in jealousy? Or pretentiousness? Or how about greed?

After all, Greed is part of the seven deadly sins. But it’s a sin, and I said that everything bad had gone...

Are we inventing ‘bad’ when we’re ‘good’? But how is that even remotely possible? Somehow, the bad things have now found its way to your ‘perfect’ world. Did it find its way through or did you just unintentionally welcome it?

It’s a well know notion that as long as good is there, there will be bad too. If there’s happiness then there will be sadness. It’s a balance. There has to be a balance between everything. The scales of good shouldn’t be up but nor should the bad be.

But we can do what we can to restrain the bad. We cannot let criminals run in the streets rampant just because there’s a balance. After all, we humans cannot and will not, perhaps for a right or wrong reason which is up to you to decide, live with evil in our lives.


Ever the sincere,



Note: I would be delighted to hear your thoughts on these matters I have written about.
